Manifesting Miracles

What is Meditation?

meditation Aug 16, 2023
Dandelion with the word meditate

If we were to pose the question, "What is meditation?" we would receive numerous interpretations. Allow me to present my personal definition of meditation. What does meditation signify in Nikka Time's perspective? It's a mental workout, an exercise regimen for the mind. Through the practice of deep and mindful breathing, meditation serves as a tool to foster focus, attentiveness, awareness, calmness, and vulnerability.

This practice often involves directing your attention towards objects, the sound of breath, or, in my case, finding solace in scriptural passages from the good book. This endeavor takes place within a realm devoid of judgment—a sanctuary where these power pauses offer a space for self. The benefits are endless, encompassing the reduction of stress and anxiety in my own experience.

Embarking on a meditation journey can prove both enriching and demanding, with the essential factor being the refusal to succumb to giving up.

Here are some guiding principles:

  •  Select a Tranquil Space: Opt for an environment of serenity that supports full engagement.
  •  Establish a Consistent Routine: Consistency is paramount. Dedicate a specific time each day for meditation—Morning, during a lunch break, or before retiring for the night.
  •  Commence with Brief Sessions: Initiate your journey with short sessions spanning 5 to 10 minutes to make the practice more attainable.
  •  Focus on Your Breath: Use your breath as a foundational starting point. Inhale and exhale mindfully, allowing your breath to serve as an anchor for your awareness.
  •  Cultivate Patience and Gentleness: It's only natural for the mind to wander during meditation. In such instances, gently steer your focus back without self-critique. Patience is vital during a meditation journey.


Enjoy! I can't wait to hear about your transformation.


Manifesting Miracles


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