Manifesting Miracles

You Need A Coach

coaching Aug 18, 2023

We hear everyone saying, "I need a coach for this, I need a coach for that." Whether it's about managing money, running a business, guiding a child, losing weight, transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, and the list goes on.


The term "coaching" has become as commonplace as having breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But how do you choose a great coach? One of the ways I pick a coach is by observing someone who produces radical results, transformation, and change in their life and the lives of others.


Dig deep and determine which area of your life you seek transformation in. Identify a coach who has mastered those areas and connect with them. Gain clarity on your desires and what you aim to achieve. When your intentions are clear, the universe tends to deliver. I recall admiring and meeting Les Brown, and eventually having him as a guest in my home. Les is one of the greatest speakers and coaches in the business. Inspiration leads to manifestation.


YouTube serves as a platform to kickstart your journey in finding a great coach and understanding what to look for. Often, great coaches are quite busy, and they might not have time or could be beyond your budget. I understand that you might not be able to afford them, but there is power in an email. Compile 20 questions you have or areas you wish to be coached in, and send them to coaches or experts you admire. You'd be surprised by the opportunities this can open for you. In life, you need to be intentional, take risks, ask questions, and witness the universe respond to your requests. Eventually, you'll become an expert yourself and be able to pay forward the knowledge you've gained.


Be intentional with expectation, and witness the perfect coach show up in your life, guiding you to the next dimension. Your miracle, mentor, and coach await your initiative. Please share your testimony with us.



Manifesting Miracles


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